Wednesday, September 2, 2020

My Favorite Time of Year Essay

My preferred season is normally when I have a fabulous time. To me, that season falls during the December occasions, or rather, it begins during the last term of school. It might sound weird of me to incorporate the time of assessments. Be that as it may, I like the manner in which instructors leave us, understudies, without anyone else to do our own amendment. There is not really any schoolwork to be done yet there is a great deal of concentrating to occupy our time. At last, when the assessments are finished, we would all be able to hurl a blissful murmur of help and anticipate the apparently endless occasions loosening up before us. Not long before school separates for these special seasons, there are a large group of post-assessment exercises, among which is mass moving in the school corridor. This is something I appreciate particularly as I get the opportunity to move to the most current popular music with every one of my companions. The chance to â€Å"break-free† from genuine exercises of school and to sing and move there is a really welcome occasion. The most recent day of school travels every which way and the special seasons start. The main thing I do is to go to the library and get whatever number books as could be expected under the circumstances to fill my days off. I essentially love perusing book after book without agonizing over setting aside an ideal opportunity for homework. I make it a propensity to peruse books of a specific writer each occasion. Inside the second seven day stretch of the special seasons my birthday shows up, I appreciate helping my mom set up my preferred nourishment for my birthday. I don't have huge birthday celebrations. My birthday is commended inside the family and I eat all my preferred food, with a few helpings. Obviously, I appreciate getting presents and birthday cards from relatives and companions. December is cool in Singapore and that is one motivation behind why I value the month to such an extent. I don't care for hot radiant. Christmas additionally makes the season all the all the more energizing. It would be incomprehensible for me to sit at home and simply read when so much is going on outside. Thusly, my companions and I take excursions to Orchard Road, adding to the rushing about of Christmas shopping. We don't accepting anything besides just window shop comfortable and watch the energy of Christmas customers. Plantation Road is enlightened with vivid lights for Christmas. I as a rule see these lights twice; once before Christmas and once after, now and again cruising along Orchard Road with my neighbor’s family in a leased van, close by an arranged mass of other moderate moving vehicles. We for the most part make some great memories on these excursions, kidding and snickering. Projects dependent on Christmas are likewise appeared on TV to add more satisfaction to the season. I never feel sick of watching the energized kid's shows or films of works of art like â€Å"A Christmas Carol† by Charles Dickens. At last, after Christmas, I need to begin purchasing my textbooks for the new scholarly year. These books have â€Å"off the press† smell which causes me to feel that I need to buckle down the next year and utilize these fresh out of the plastic new and valuable books which nobody has ever utilized previously. The most recent day of the special seasons is the finish of my preferred season and school begins the next day. I fell energized, yet I likewise realize that once school begins I would be found work. In any case, I do realize that the days will fly by so quick that I will encounter my preferred season once more.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Vocabulary free essay sample

At the point when humankind made jargon much to their dismay of its entanglements in the 21st century world. Information obtaining and jargon has a novel relationship, which is legitimately connected to Language as a Way of Knowing. The case talks about whether our jargon is a basic response to our past information or is our insight securing formed by the jargon we know. On one hand, our jargon had become so persuasive that our reality is totally assembled and subject to it, which is the apex purpose of Whorfarianism. Then again, our language goes about as an allegorical shroud for our insight and conveys it instead of have any impact of what information we can accomplish which is the primary conviction of etymological universalism and Pinker, trusts in vocabulary’s capacity to impact information securing as opposed to characterize it. This task will assess, as a matter of first importance, the legitimacy of the case through these three hypotheses and moreover, if this case is to be valid, does our jargon advance or cutoff our insight procurement. We will compose a custom paper test on Jargon or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Jargon is a â€Å"body of words that give a mechanism of articulation to mental habits† (â€Å"Vocabulary†); anyway so as to assess the capacity ‘vocabulary’ plays on information procurement in the various subject matters, we can expect that jargon is any arrangement of images that conveys contemplations, ideas and feelings which fluctuate from in order characters to scientific images. Daniel Chandler asserted, â€Å"Language is a shroud adjusting to the standard classes of thought of its speakers†. This presents jargon as â€Å"a dress of thought† (Chandler) as opposed to a ‘mould’ for information. In assessing the case, one can contend that in spite of the fact that our jargon might have the option to convey our insight, it doesn't shape our insight procurement. For instance, shooting a b-ball comprises of the accompanying advances: bring the ball up, focus on the loop and tossing the ball at the circle. On the off chance that somebody says shoot the ball, one would not have the option to direct the methodology except if one is aware of the above advances. This shows our jargon just speaks to information so it is helpful to convey it and isn't associated with achieving information. In the domains of arithmetic, dated back 25,000 years prior, the Ishango clan cut count marks running the length of a bone. The Ishango bone’s cut scores were accepted to have built a numerical arrangement of prime numbers, increase and division, and a lunar schedule. In this situation, despite the fact that the Ishango individuals are not utilizing any jargon they can procure information. It was just hundreds of years after the fact that numeric jargon was conceived. The ancient mathematicians picked up the biased information before making scientific jargon and numbers, to introduce their insight. Edward Sapir and his understudy, Benjamin Whorf, conjectured that information and thought are inflexibly confined to our language. In The Status of Linguistics as a Science Sapir states, â€Å"the ‘real world’ is to an enormous degree unknowingly based upon the language propensities for the group†. For instance, the main technique for achieving any chronicled information is on the off chance that one gains from the historian’s words. On the off chance that there is no language to impart and shape our idea we would not know about the past, except if one is an observer to an authentic occasion. In actuality, this isn't the situation, thusly, understudies exclusively depend on the historian’s jargon to learn history. This is an away from of semantic determinism, where language decides information. An issue of information is the historian’s individual inclination in his work. Cameron accepts that â€Å"The Chinese themselves will never cancel that scornful act of purchasing and selling their ladies like so much merchandise† (McClain). For this situation, the peruser would be formed to accept that the Chinese men generalize ladies. Be that as it may, this isn't correct in the 21st century as Hornby states, â€Å"women make up the foundation of creation line laborers in Chinas private sector†. As our insight is totally needy upon the historian’s words, it goes to a point where we don't have the foggiest idea about whose words to accept. Semantic relativism is another hypothesis, which expresses that various dialects will make individuals see the world diversely as Sapir states, â€Å"No two dialects are ever adequately like be considered as speaking to a similar social reality. † I have understood this is an obvious issue in expressions of the human experience. As I am a bilingual Chinese and English speaker, I have understood that sentimental melodies in Chinese have a passionate profundity that is needed its English adaptation, despite the fact that the jargon is interpreted accurately. Along these lines, it is because of this profundity that sentiments in oriental nations are progressively genuine and is seen as a stage before marriage (Hsu) in contrast with the Western existence where connections are framed on â€Å"strong passionate experiences† (Cohen). A similar conclusion is depicted by Pablo Neruda as he specifies how the English and French interpretation of his work â€Å"do not relate to Spanish neither in vocalization†¦or the heaviness of words. It's anything but an issue of interpretative equivalence†¦ however this accuracy of interpretation, can be the devastation of a sonnet. † Therefore, Sapir-Whorf accepts that lingual relativism is untranslatable as various dialects decide various sorts of information. The fundamental contention against Sapir-Whorf’s semantic determinism, is Pinker’s reference to the hard of hearing, individuals who have been confined from jargon. He contends that if jargon totally characterizes information, would the absence of jargon propose the absence of information? Would it recommend that the hard of hearing have no information obtaining? The truth is an incredible opposite as the hard of hearing do be able to think and impart through their body. Mentalese is an adjustment of the Sapir-Whorf theory estimated by Pinker. Rather than accepting that language characterizes believing is confined language, he had confidence in the potential for language to impact instead of decide thinking as he claimes, expressing that distinctions among dialects cause contrasts in the contemplations of their speaker (Pinker). For this situation, language can either confine or advance information obtaining. Jargon can restrain information securing on the grounds that it doesn't completely fuse every bit of relevant information of a thought or idea. Bertrand Russel’s descriptivist hypothesis expresses that for each word is a short hand shortened form of a rundown of spellbinding words and realities, that empowers the human brain to shape a conviction. The issue is that the elucidating words to characterize the essential word may discard different parts of the real world. In legislative issues, man utilizes this furthering their potential benefit to control and convince the general population. George Orwell says â€Å"Political language is†¦designed to make lies sound honest and murder respectable† (? ?). For instance, â€Å"If we don’t stepping up to the plate, others will step up before us,† Peres announced to the press, â€Å"Israel is confronting a progression of uncommon difficulties and tests and we can't stay without a plan† ( ). Here, ‘take the initiative’ could recommend discretionary meetings or a military endeavor. The utilization of euphamism and emotive loaded language constraining the information on the regular folks through dubiousness. So also, in morals, jargon restricts our insight by excluding the complexities of the circumstance. A model is a well known law case in 1884 about the human flesh consumption of the crewmembers of the Mignonette. After the Mignonette overturned, the four-group individuals (a lodge kid and 3 others) ran away to a raft where they needed to make due without food or water for the following 11 days. The lodge kid had tanked seawater and was kicking the bucket. He was murdered and different individuals benefited from his fragile living creature and were protected seven days after the fact. There are numerous who accepted that the demonstration of the team was moral while others trusts it was untrustworthy. The two words don't depict the complexities of the circumstance, and others would pick up on fractional information on the circumstance with the decision of either word. Then again, jargon is additionally used to grow new information. In arithmetic we use jargon despite the fact that we don't know precisely what it is nevertheless we use it for complex thoughts. In spite of the fact that we can fathom ideas of tallying with biased information like the stone age men, we appear to be more averse to comprehend a mind boggling ideas by ‘experiencing it’, yet retain the jargon and use it to accumulate increasingly reasonable information. Instructive frameworks in the 21st century additionally depend on this technique. Understudies are given the jargon first, for example, the idea of ‘? ’, and afterward they apply it trying to pick up information. As an understudy, regardless of whether I don't have a clue about any foreordained information about pi, we can at present utilize the jargon to discover the territory of the circle (A=? r^2) whether or not we recognize what pi is or not. Additionally in the normal sciences, understudies retain logical jargon first before researching the importance of the jargon through examinations. Accordingly, this builds up that jargon can advance information with regards to complex thoughts. All in all, our jargon in most unquestionably impart information, in any case, the way that it can shape our insight is easily proven wrong. With easily proven wrong focuses from Sapir-Whorf and Chandler I accept that the most appropriate hypothesis for our 21st century world is Pinker’s. Asserting that jargon characterizes information isn't prevalently upheld and expressing that jargon plays no

Friday, August 21, 2020

Dfa Case Study free essay sample

Ventures DFA Case study Introduction Dimensional Fund Advisors, further alluded to as DFA, is a speculation organization that puts together its technique for the most part with respect to scholastic research and related hypotheses. They cooperate with advocates of the effective market speculation, demonstrating a moderately solid confidence in this hypothesis and subsequently in productive markets. Anyway DFA additionally feels that gifted merchants can add to a fund’s benefits in any event, when the venture is innately latent and DFA does modifies its methodology to new discoveries in the field. In this report we will assess the significance and precision of the hypotheses utilized by DFA, particularly the worth premium and the size premium where practically the entirety of their assets depend on. This will prompt remarks on the helpfulness of these speculations to build the arrival of DFA’s reserves and to suggestions about changes in methodology that will upgrade the presentation of DFA by and large. We will compose a custom exposition test on Dfa Case Study or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Execution and technique so far DFA has performed moderately well throughout the years, beside some generally harsh fixes in the late 1990s. Development of the organization had been steady and benefits high. There was no compelling reason to sell shares for liquidity reasons and offers were possibly sold in the event that they didn't fit into a store any longer. This didn’t happen frequently however as DFA had a few finances that were â€Å"connected†, when a stock in the Micro Cap portfolio developed too enormous it could be set into a store with greater organizations (Small Cap portfolio). A significant piece of DFA’s methodology, that added to the exhibition of DFA up until now, is planned for accomplishing limits in exchanges through purchasing in enormous squares. Results from look into by Donald Keim1 show that the normal rebate got by DFA on square exchanges was 3. 33%. These limits were to a great extent liable for the way that DFA’s latently oversaw little stock portfolio beat the commonplace little stock lists by around 200 premise focuses every year by and large. Another factor adding to the general accomplishment of these little top files is the exhaustive research that DFA performs when it exchanges with different organizations, forestalling unfavorable choice and the negative ramifications of this marvel. Notwithstanding DFA’s noteworthy execution, the speculation organization is â€Å"only† positioned 96th (in Pensions and Investments) among other venture organizations, changes in specific components of DFA’s technique and an expanded ocus on its upper hands will prompt a higher situation on this rundown. The rationale behind the assets †The utilization of the Size premium and the Value premium discoveries DFA deals with a few assets, in view of scholarly research and diverse exact discoveries. One of these a ssets is the U. S. Miniaturized scale Cap Portfolio, which puts resources into stocks whose market top fall underneath a specific cutoff point. This store had been propelled in 1981 as a response to discoveries of, among others, Rolf Banz2 (1981). Overall, than returns on supplies of bigger firms. DFA saw a chance to get financial specialists by utilizing this new knowledge, in light of the fact that numerous shared assets in that time concentrated uniquely on interests in supplies of enormous organizations. Following the dispatch DFA included the U. S. Little Cap Portfolio and the U. S. Little XM Portfolio, which had diverse cut-off focuses in regards to the market top. Notwithstanding reserves that are identified with the purported size premium, DFA additionally utilized discoveries of different market analysts, Fama and French, to set-up new portfolios. Fama and French had discovered that â€Å"value stocks†, supplies of organizations with a high book-to-advertise esteem, had given a better yield than â€Å"growth stocks†, loads of organizations with a low book-to-showcase esteem. As a response DFA utilized the fundamental discoveries of the creators to set up a U. S. Little Value speculation subsidize in 1992 and a few other worth assets were made in the next years. 1 Donald Keim, Exhibit 10 from Harvard Business Case (2003). 2 Banz, R. W. , ‘The connection among return and market estimation of basic stocks’, Journal of Financial Economics, 9 (1981), pp. 3-18. DFA subsequently utilized discoveries identified with the worth premium and the size premium through making a few assets. DFA’s system is because of this, all things considered, relied upon the real presence and tirelessness of the two impacts. Did DFA respond too rapidly to these still moderately questionable discoveries, do they fit in with the generally solid convictions in productive markets by DFA and could a change in DFA’s procedure increment both the presentation of its assets and the organization by and large? These inquiries will be replied by a careful examination of the worth, and the size premium. Worth premium A great deal of analysis on the CAPM has emerged in the course of the most recent decades. One finding by Basu in 1977 is regularly utilized by rivals of the model so as to bring down the establishment of the CAPM. Basu3 found that stocks with a low cost â€earnings proportion, called esteem stocks, will in general outflank stocks with a high priceearnings proportion, named development stocks. As the CAPM just takes into consideration crucial hazard to clarify abundance returns on stocks, the finding that stocks from organizations with high essentials (profit, deals, profits) comparative with cost outflanked development stocks was in logical inconsistency with the old style CAPM. Defenders of the CAPM and the productive market contended that the worth premium could be clarified by their â€Å"classical† hazard and-return rewards, esteem stocks they contended earned better yields because of higher hazard identified with lackluster showing in the ongoing history of the firm. Fama and French4 anyway additionally presumed that the worth premium did exist and even found in a similar paper that the book-to-advertise proportion and size premium together had the option to clarify abundance returns of a stock while central hazard, the main fixing in the CAPM, had no informative force any longer. After these discoveries by Fama and French a great deal of different papers have been expounded on the worth premium, while a portion of these are profoundly basic on the worth premium5 a large portion of them infer that there has in reality been a premium on returns of stocks with a high book-to-showcase proportion in any event for certain periods in time. This premium has been very broad in specific occasions, Fama and French6 for instance found that little worth stocks had made 8% every year on normal in overabundance of market comes back from 1934 till 2006 and that the premium for enormous worth stocks had been 2. 8%. At the point when you take a gander at the diagram underneath anyway you can likewise observe that the worth premium has been a long way from steady after some time. In the greater part of the 90’s for example development stocks outflanked esteem stocks, while after the web bubble an inversion set-in and esteem stocks showed improvement over development stocks. Some contend that patterned conditions can explain these adjustments in the worth premium7, however on the off chance that you look again at the diagram it is difficult to protect this clarification since the worth premium was negative and didn’t go up during the latest â€Å"financial crisis†. 3 Basu,

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Best Health Essay Topics for 2019

Best Health Essay Topics for 2019 Modern medicine suggests us a lot of different innovations and solutions from most of serious diseases. But still, we have enough cases when everything is far too complicated or has too many contradictions: cancer, euthanasia, difficult cases of disability, birth defects, mental illnesses, and, unfortunately, the list goes on and on. This is the reality of our era of high tech and cosmic dreams – we still can’t cope with ourselves. So, both students of health care programs as well as students of any other specialty can have a task to write an essay on health topic. In this article we will help you to find the most burning health issues to make your essay topic powerful and impressive. Stuck on Your Health Essay? Check out these example health essays. Yes! Show me examples .popup_essay{ text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid lightgrey; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey; } .popup_essay h3{ letter-spacing: 0.3px; margin-bottom: 0; } .popup_essay p{ font-style: italic; letter-spacing: 0.3px; color: grey; font-weight: normal; font-size: 17px; margin: 15px 0; } .post-page-wrapper .post__wrapper .post__content .popup_essay a { background-color: #4CAF50 ; border: none; color: white; padding: 13px 0; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: block; font-size: 16px; width: 210px; margin: 0 auto 15px auto; letter-spacing: 0.3px; } .post-page-wrapper .post__wrapper .post__content .popup_essay a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } How to Choose a Health Essay Topic? Of course, if you were given a clear task to write on a particular topic you won’t have to wreck your brains in search of something exciting and crucial to dwell on. There is no need in making a decision, which health problem or phenomena is more urgent at the moment or what is left in the shadows and needs to be enlightened at least in your essay. In such case, you can just relax, take things easy, and search some info on the Internet or in books, and then have a rest. But if the situation is contrary, you will have to gather all your essay ideas and look through either one or two essay hook examples. The path of free choice is rather slippery, so be careful on your way. Bring together your forces and all your writing inspiration; the road may take some hours (or even days, ha-ha). And these next essay hacks are just for you. So how do you think, what are the most popular essay topics concerning health nowadays? What do we face in everyday life? What do you hear on the radio or TV? What haunts us permanently? Maybe you already have a generalized idea of what to write in your mind, and the following will help you to concentrate on some particular thought or maybe change your decision. Now, let’s distinguish some of the health essay topics them one by one. Winning Health Essay Topics Vegetarianism We all know that in our time the number of people who forgo meat and products of animal origin is steadily increasing, and so the number of places with strictly vegetarian and vegan food is growing, too. Everyone has their reasons and basis for such a decision – it can be simple sympathy to animals or problems with the stomach and digestion. Someone takes it as for granted, someone is categorical and adverse. But still, the question of life without meat is very popular and debated. Here more topics related to this theme: Pros of Being Vegetarian; Vegetarian and Vegan: the Peculiarities of Nutrition and the Potential Impact on Health; Negative Effects of Meat-free Nutrition; Healing Consequences of Being a Vegan; Compare and Contrast Meat and Plantpacked Food; Being a Vegetarian: Compare and Contrast Changes Before and After; Anorexia and Overweight Coming back to the subject of food one can’t forget about such devastating and scary phenomena of modernity as anorexia and overweight. These two are really dangerous because if they don’t cause the death – they cause irreparable harm to health. One way or another it is no good at all. By the way, this question covers not only the problems of normal and healthy nutrition; it has a psychological and emotional backgrounds. This case has a lot of things to talk about, and the topics to write about: Causes of Eating Disorders and Obesity; How to manage Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa; The Effect of Feminism on Anorexic Women Phenomenon; Effects of Eating Disorders on Self-Harm Behavior; How to help Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia; The Cult of Thinness  in American Contemporary Culture; Insomnia Our high-speed lifestyle impacts us in many ways, and insomnia is one of the main effects of it. Nowadays it is a very burning issue because many people can’t sleep without watching movies or surfing the Web from their smartphones or just thinking thoughts through. Some even don’t decide insomnia as illness and its influence on vital activity has unforeseen and painful consequences. The following topics cover different issues concerning insomnia: What are the Causes and Effects of Insomnia; Insomnia and How to Put Up With It; Effects of Exam Preparation on Healthy Sleep; Sleeping pills: Placebo, Harm, or The Cure? How to Fight with Insomnia Using Traditional Medicine; Causes of Long-term Insomnia; Mental Diseases Such health essay topic as mental diseases has been discussed for a long time and from different points of view. Here you can analyze different phobias, obsessions, addictions and furthermore – whatever you like and find interesting (because being interested in your topic – is a half of success). Let the following essay  help topics: How to Understand and Manage a Bipolar Disorder; Psychological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder; Effects of Cognitive Therapy for Mental Disorders; Compare and Contrast Mental Disorder in Childhood and Early Adolescence; The Effect of Antidepressants In Dealing with Depression; How Child Abuse Trauma Affects The Development of Dissociative Disorders; Health Care Service One of the most critical issues concerning health is the cost of it. Nowadays there are ways to get free treatment as well as the paid. However, there are pitfalls in both options. Really, what’s the truth? Is it better to spend amounts of money and feel safe or to spend nothing and have doubts about the quality of treatment? I think the opinions here sharply vary, so consider these topics to research the issue: Advantages and Disadvantages of Paid and Free Treatment; Health Care: Should It Be For Free or Should We Pay For Our Treatment? Pros and Cons of Health Insurance; The Effects of Self-treatment: A Way to Harm or a Chance to Heal? Compare and Contrast Essay on Public and Private Hospitals; The True Cost of Free Health Care Services; Euthanasia The question of euthanasia always has been a great contradiction all over the world. Some cultures are rigorously against it; some does not actually mind such merciful death for the weak. And nobody has a clear opinion about it. The situation is quite similar to the question of death penalty, but the main difference is in the roles of the subjects: the perpetrator and the victim of a serious illness. Who deserves such a relief as death? And does deserve at all? If you have your strong ideas about it, pick a topic and develop them: Can Death Be a Relief for a Patient? Americans Attitudes toward Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide; Does Patients Have a Natural Right to Die; The Moral Issues of Euthanasia; Pros and Cons of Euthanasia; Compare and Contrast the Attitude to Euthanasia in Different Countries; Processing Your Health Essay When you have finally chosen the essay topic, it’s high time to make an essay outline and decide what essay form you will use. I am almost sure that you already know that there are a lot of different writing styles and while writing on health topics you confidently can write a cause and effect or argumentative essay – these two types may suit very well. But of course you are to write whatever you like and whatever you find convenient. Here are some more essay hacks, which I find helpful according to my experience: Essay editing is an important part of essay writing, so be attentive and careful while writing, checking and even double-checking your piece. If something feels wrong or not in the right place – find it and make it better. I bet 99% that you will deal with it, even if you are writing an essay for the first time in your life. Writing hooks can be excellent friends of yours, so don’t neglect to spend some time in search of examples. This can facilitate your further work and make your life a bit easier. Look through several of them to have a clearer idea of what to do and what to not. Analyze, analyze and once more – analyze. Pay extra attention to your essay conclusion. It is an integral part of every essay because here you should summarize everything from the above in other words, much shorter and sometimes even deeper. It takes some time to master the skill of â€Å"good conclusion†, but it is definitely okay if you won’t write it on the Nobel Prize level. Take short breaks during the writing if it’s possible. Give yourself some rest and time to think over your ideas, or just have another cup of tea. Don’t put all your strengths to waste at once – remember that you should be even much more concentrated when editing your essay than when writing the main sketch. Don’t force yourself to write something if you can’t find appropriate words and thoughts. It’s too obvious when a person writes something just from some need but not his own desire. So I repeat – be interested in what you’re writing about. At least you may try. A Small Afterword Well, I hope I hadn’t overloaded you with all that information, and it wasn’t a kind of a trial for you to read all that stuff. And of course I do hope that at least some pieces of this writing guide had served you well. It doesn’t really matter if you’ve just chosen a topic by this moment or already have written an essay – if you’ve found something important for yourself in this article I can be completely glad and satisfied with my job. And what about you? Have you succeeded in your health essay writing? Somehow, I’m sure in it.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Problems with the American Prison System - 1076 Words

Throughout history into today, there have been many problems with our prison system. Prisons are overcrowded, underfunded, rape rates are off the charts, and we as Americans have no idea how to fix it. We need to have shorter sentences and try to rehabilitate prisoners back to where they can function in society. Many prisoners barely have a high school education and do not receive further education in jail. Guards need to pay more attention to the well being of the inmates and start to notice signs of abuse and address them. These are just a few of the many problems in our prison systems that need to be addressed. Overcrowding in our state and federal jails today has become a big issue. Back in the 20th century, prison rates in the U.S†¦show more content†¦(Harris pg. 1) Many of these problems have to do with prisons mixing different groups and expecting inmates to not fight one another. There are many different types of people in prison. This includes race, religion, age, and nonviolent and violent inmates. â€Å"People who break the law are not all alike. They are an enormously diverse group of human beings.† says a sheriff at a prison in Illinois. Black individuals are imprisoned nearly six times the amount of white individuals. Latinos are two times the white rate. 13% of the U.S. population is black, 14% of the black populations are drug users, and 37% of the black prison population are in for drug use. (Wilson pg. 1 par. 9) Prison is full of many racists and black and white individuals are put in the same cell. Because of the higher black population in prison, if a fight breaks out between races, the odds are always in the black peoples favor. Also, prisons routinely put violent and nonviolent inmates together. This puts the nonviolent inmate in danger. Lastly, age differences have become an issue. When inmates of different ages, six years or more, are p laced in the same cell, a fight is ten times more likely to happen. (Harris pg. 2) Inmates need to be educated and rehabilitated in order to be released back into society. If prisoners receive a good education they are less likely to commit misconduct in the future. The Three State Recidivism StudyShow MoreRelatedThe American Correctional Facility System Essay1107 Words   |  5 PagesThe American correctional facility system has become an industry in the past few decades. While once, it was used to correct the truly malicious and dysfunctional, now has begun to meet quotas set by contracts between state penal programs and correctional companies who privately manage the prisons and probation offices. Americans complain about crime and the expenses it costs the general public, not realizing where the problem stands. 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The most important question, in this regard, is about the individuals who are going to implement the justice system; should law makers have total control over the system or should professionals run it? Law makers have the power to establish a bill that constructs they very foundation of a system of which the country will go onRead MoreMass Incarceration During The United States1322 Words   |  6 PagesIncarceration in the United States There are too many people in prison in our country and any people in prison today are non-violent drug offenders. The American war on drugs has targeted people in poverty and minorities, who are more likely to be involved in drug use. This has created a pattern of crime and incarceration and â€Å"...[a] connection between increased prison rates and lower crime is tenuous and small.† (Wyler). The prison system in our country today focuses on punishment for the inmates ratherRead MoreThe Caging Of America By Adam Gopnik911 Words   |  4 Pagesthe problems in the in the American criminal justice system focusing more on the prison system. Some of the struggles that Gopnik states in his article are mass incarceration, crime rate, and judges giving long inappropriate sentencings to those with minor crimes. He demonstrates that inmates are getting treated poorly than helping them learn from their actions. Using facts and statistics, Gopnik makes his audience realize that there is an urgent need of change in the American prison system. TheRead MoreDisparities Of Justice : How Positive Change Is Made Difficult1450 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscuss racial issues in today’s political climate is to walk on a tight rope in an effort to open Pandora’s Box. With the media coverage of police brutality and the rise of groups such as â€Å"Black Lives Matter†, Americans are once again faced with the topic of racial discrimination in our justice system. Despite how divisive this issue can get, both sides must concede that something is terribly wrong here: black men are incarcerated at a rate six times more than whites and one in three black men will goRead MoreCrime in the United States1052 Words   |  5 Pagesdeveloped, yet the U.S. has the largest prison population in the entire world by far. For most of my life I have always believed that the American justice system worked. When people do wrong they need to be punished and pay for their crimes . That is what our justice system is here for so how could is possibly go wrong? Unfortunetly it is not as simple as it sounds and all it takes is a little research to discover why. Before researching the U.S. criminal justice system, I would never have consideredRead MorePrison Overcrowding : The United States1535 Words   |  7 Pages 2017 Prison Overcrowding The United States has the highest number of incarcerated individuals than other countries. Offenders are arrested every day for minor and major offences such as murder. America is hard on crime. When someone breaks the law the criminal justice’s system seeks an eye for an eye. Prison overcrowding has become a major problem in the United States, it is very expensive to house an inmate and there are other methods to punish offenders without sending them to prison for extendedRead MoreThe Source Of Racism And White Supremacy Essay1718 Words   |  7 Pagescampaigns against people of color, Blacks in particular, because we hold the dominant genetic material to eradicate their recessive genes if race mixing ensued. In closing the problem of the 20th and 21st century doesn’t lie in the color line, the problem is a non-white problem and the solution is understanding the system of racism and white supremacy. Blacks as a collective community both in the United States and abroad have suffered an unnerving, barbarous, and savage form of human degradationRead MoreEssay on Criminal Rehabilitation in the United States Justice System1640 Words   |  7 PagesNationally, every 7 minutes, another person enters prison. And every 14 minutes, someone returns to the streets, beaten down and, more often than not, having suffered a great amount of violence during his or her incarceration. Professionals will tell you that incarceration really does very little to stop crime, but we go on spending billions of dollars in order to lock up more and more people. We have become the country with the highest incarceration rate in the industrialized world. (National Criminal

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact of Cyberspace and Social Networking on Adolescents

Culture in the modern age is characterized by more complexity than ever before; particularly after the mass use of the Internet. Each particular ethnicity and culture must adapt into the culture as a hole, yet the way the Internet has changed the way humans act with each other has no precedent in history not even the telephone changed culture this dramatically (Storey). Less than two decades ago, primarily academics and scientists used the Internet. Today, it is a major contributor to increased global communication, data access, research, personal communication, social networking, and recreation. As Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft commented, The main advantage of any new technology is that it amplifies human potential, clearly the Internet falls into that category (Gates). One of the larger trends brought about by the use of the Internet is the virtual community a social network of individuals who interact with each other without the constraints of geography, time zones, political or economic situations, weather, or demography all that matters is that they are able to come together to form a culture in which they share mutual interests or values. Typically this type of culture occurs through social networking and online communities, both of which have provided the tipping point and changed the world as evidenced in the 2008 American presidential election. The extreme power of this new cultural tool is the very nature it depends on nothing but an electronic connection.Show MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1287 Words   |  6 PagesIt all started with social media, around since the 1960’s and started to thrive in the late 1990’s, that humans began to interact through cyberspace and changed human relationships forever. As the Internet grows to be further accessible to a number of households and public areas worldwide, the greater the immensity its aftereffects have on our lives as well. However, the more the Internet becomes habitual for humans, the more people become aware of the profound negative influences that come alongRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking966 Words   |  4 PagesSocial networking is the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself (Oxford Dictionary). Social media includes the websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking (Oxford Dictionary). The world has seen an exponential growth in social media within the past decade that has truly transformed the way people interact. This originated from Compuserve in SeptemberRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Interpersonal Communication1545 Words   |  7 Pagesbetween adolescents a nd their friends as well as adolescents and their families through social media. Social media not only affects how teens interact with their friends, but it also impacts family dynamics as well by increasing connectivity and communication which fosters family closeness. Family closeness and well-being can be conceptualized in different ways, but it usually includes aspects of open communication, shared time together, emotional bonding and high levels of support. Social media hasRead MoreStudents and Academic Pressure1184 Words   |  5 Pagesdoctors are now finding social Websites can lead to depression. I mean a lot of drama that goes on there. And people talking bad about each other, says Bryan Forsberg, talking about online social networks. Whether its a break up, rejection, or envy, cyberspace can feel real; even causing depression. With both MySpace and Facebook, you have to request friends and then wait to be accepted. Normally, you get an email; but if it doesnt come, you can feel alone. On social Websites, the number of friendsRead MoreElectronic Communication : Communication, And Where The People Have Some Level Of Actual Human Exchange997 Words   |  4 Pagestaken out of context. Although colorful ways have been created in an attempt to ensure what a person is trying to say, in many instances, words and meanings are taken out of context (15). One example would be using capitalized letters. In the world of social media, capital letters means the person is upset however; when two people are verbally communicating, bolding one’s words could also mean that the person is emphasizing. Furthermore, the many abbreviations also are problematic, because people haveRead MoreCyber-Bullying: A Brief Research Proposal Essay1685 Words   |  7 PagesInternet usage in children and adolescents has been increasing in a steadily fashion in the past number of years and with the increase in internet usage, a new form of bullying has developed – Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can be defined as â€Å"the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person,† (Merriam-Webster, 2012). This form of bullying can come through various mediums including but not limited to text messages, emails, videos, and social networking sites. There is an overwhelmingRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society917 Words   |  4 PagesThe internet is a cyberspace of knowledge compacted to fit in to the palm of our hands. It has the power to connect us to people across the ocean, deliver food to our homes and even help us meet the love of our lives. However, this type of power comes with a great responsibility of its own. Nowadays, the internet has become a way to target those who are gullible or those who have limited knowledge of it. The internet now has had an especially big impact when i t comes to children and sexual predatorsRead MoreThe Eternal Effects of Cyber Bullying1196 Words   |  5 PagesOnce upon a time the age of innocence in the adolescent years was filled with long walks by the pond, playing stickball, dress up, tea parties, rough housing with friends and the love of a favorite doll. Those days are true still today yet in most every ones childhood memory they have been subjected or their friends were at the mercy of the schoolyard bully. The aggressive kid that was determined to make at least one other schoolmates life miserable whether it was muscle over might or sheer hostilityRead MoreCyber Bullying : A Consistent Problem For Young People Attending School1383 Words   |  6 Pagescyber-bully spreads derogatory or untrue information about someone online, or digitally posts an embarrassing or altered photo or video of that person. (Prosecuting Cyberbullies) The bully can remain anonymous while behind a computer screen because many social media websi tes allow people to make up fake user ids and many bullies tend to give false information while registering for these sites. About 20% of more than 4,400 11–18-year-olds surveyed by the Cyberbullying Research Center in 2010 reported havingRead More Cyberbullying: A Growing Problem Essay2503 Words   |  11 Pages Bullying has been around forever, however with today’s technology bullying has become easier than ever. It is easier to bully in cyberspace than it is to bully face to face. With cyberbullying a bully can pick on people with much less risk of being caught. Bullies are natural instigators and in cyberspace bullies can recruit the participation of additional students who may be unwilling to bully in the real world. Cyberbullying is any harassment that occurs over the Internet. Vicious discussion

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reading English 6 Essay free essay sample

A. Compare the three main types of plate boundaries. How do they work? How are they similar and different? There are three different plate boundaries. There is convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. They all do different motions. Convergent boundaries are boundaries where the two plates are coming at each other or converging. Divergent boundaries are boundaries where two plates are moving away from each other or diverging. Transform boundaries are boundaries where two plates are shearing past each other or one plate moves to the left and the other moves to the right. Convergent Boundary A convergent boundary consists of two tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere that come together. If an oceanic plate was involved subduction would occur. Subduction is when two plates converge and one goes under the other. Usually if there are two oceanic plates coming together the older/denser plate would get subducted. If there was a continental plate with an oceanic plate the oceanic plate would subduct, because it is denser, but it is a whole different story if they are both continental plates. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading English 6 Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since they are both continental there is no subduction mainly, but there is a collision. They become crumpled and faulted which make the biggest mountain ranges, like the Himalayan Mountain Range. B. What real world boundary have you chosen? Where is it located (countries involved, general area of the world, etc. )? My team chose the Cascadia Fault. The plates involved are the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate. The countries involved are United States and Canada. It is in northern California, Oregon, and Washington. For Canada it is just the southern part of it. It is in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth. C. Describe in detail how the plates of your real world example are moving. Pay particular attention to details such as crust types of the plates involved, processes that are ongoing, etc. D. What kind of stress is occurring at your real world boundary? How does the stress affect the rock? E. Describe the area around your real world plate boundary. What are some unique landforms (continental and/or oceanic) created by your real world boundary? F. What type of fault is associated with your real world plate boundary? Explain how the footwall and the hanging wall move. G. Identify at least two other areas of the world where you could you find a boundary like the one you researched.