Sunday, December 29, 2019

Distributed Leadership For Learning And Teaching - 1362 Words

Traditionally, leadership had been thought of as a single person that leads or directs a groups or many groups as described in Peter Gronn s article Distributed Leadership as a unit of analysis.† However, according to Gronn, this conventional form of thinking, where one person or unit rules all (â€Å"leadership is basically doing what the leader wants done†) is faulty and ultimately leads to a counterproductive performance from the group as a whole, since everything falls upon one level of responsibility. In addition, he identifies three major chinks in the solo-style leadership model’s armor: the almost-too simplistic dualism of the â€Å"leader-follower† set-up; the exact qualifications of what constitutes a leader and said leaders and†¦show more content†¦It happens most effectively when people at all levels engage in action, accepting leadership in their particular areas of expertise. It requires resources that support and enable collaborative environments together with a flexible approach to space, time and finance which occur as a result of diverse contextual settings in an institution. Through shared and active engagement, distributed leadership can result in the development of leadership capacity to sustain improvements in teaching and learning (Jones, Harvey, Lefoe, Ryland 2013, p.21).† in other words, distributed leadership is the opposite take on the classical model of leadership where individuals can all contribute to the organization under an setting that values equality where all skills, ideas, and effort is appreciated. Although it may appear to sound that the idea of distributed leadership is simply delegating tasks, it is not. Rather, it is the nature of the interconnectedness of the leader(s) and followers in the group that is the core point of the theory. For instance, the most common observed evidence of distributed leaderships’ effectiveness lies within school reforms (Camburn et al. 20 03) and their creation of new leadership positions through hiring coaches and faculty to facilitate the tasks in the schools. Another example is the Command and Control doctrine followed by the United States military. According to U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mobile Phones And Its Impact On The World - 855 Words

PDAs have turned into a need for some individuals all through the world. The capacity to stay in contact with family, business partners, and access to email are just a couple of the explanations behind the expanding significance of mobile phones. Today s actually best in class mobile phones are equipped for accepting and setting telephone calls, as well as putting away information, taking pictures, and can even be utilized as walkie talkies, to give some examples of the accessible choices. At the point when mobile phones were initially acquainted with people in general, they were cumbersome, costly, and some even required a base unit that must be transported alongside the telephone. Great gathering was a noteworthy issue and when all is†¦show more content†¦The extension of the remote specialist co-op industry gives PDA clients a decision and the expanded rivalry has brought about a drop in costs of remote mobile phone benefit. The significance of mobile phones goes path past the capacity to make or get telephone calls. Wireless clients can immediately send information to the home or office, check for essential email, utilize their mobile phone as a PDA or logbook, and store photographs which can be effortlessly exchanged to a PC or Portable PC. Wireless makers have created an extensive variety of mobile phones, which offer at costs that range from extremely modest to more than one thousand dollars. The accessible alternatives give clients the decision of obtaining an essential wireless to utilize basically to make calls, or picking a complex, innovatively propelled mobile phone that can execute the same number of or significantly more undertakings that a home PC. Over the previous decade, the expanding significance of PDAs has made them just about a need for a great many people. Indeed, even remote and immature nations have some entrance to phone innovation and remote administrations. The significance of PDAs has expanded the opposition in the remote specialist co-op industryPsychology Articles, making mobile phones exceptionally moderate and simple to utilize. Phones have gotten to be just about a materialistic trifle notwithstanding the accommodation and security that originates from owning them.Show MoreRelatedMobile Phones And Its Impact On The World1329 Words   |  6 PagesIn the current world people are fascinated with technology. In the 21 are spending an ever increasing amount of time with technology. The latest technology is highlighted by the up to date fascination with the cell phone more so smart phones. These gadgets are used for better or for worse and seems to be encouraging individuals to relatively spend more time with technology and less with their colleague or fellow human beings. Currently there is a transformation of mobile phones to a necessityRead MoreMobile Phones And Its Impact On The World1466 Words   |  6 PagesToday, almost everything is done digitally either on laptops or mobile phones (smartphones), from online shopping to online banking. These little things have become one amongst the most important things to survive. Mobile phones have become ubiquitous; you can find a fifth grade kid with a smartphone. There are more than a billion smartphones in the market and six billion mobile phone subscriptions. With the rapid development of smartphones, things like watches, radios, cameras, calculators and soRead MoreMobile Phones And Its Impact On The World1877 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction: Decades ago, mobile phones were large, cumbersome, and expensive devices. A mobile phone can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. Through this, business men could see the value of being able to communicate while on the move so they were willing to pay the price and put up with the inconvenience. The first handheld mobile phone was demonstrated in 1973 by John F. Mitchell and Dr. Martin Cooper, using a handsetRead MoreHuman Thirst for Mobile Communication in a World of Increasing Social Segregation1167 Words   |  5 Pagesthirst for mobile communication in a world of increasing social segregation    Unlike most technologies, the mobile phone has taken the world by storm. There was a time when it was assumed that only the rich people were those who can afford mobile phones. It is most likely still true, however there is another thought needed for the modern world. People today, wealthy and those even considered poor, have the latest mobile phones. Everyone seems to own not one but even two or three mobile phones at theRead MoreThe Effects Of Mobile Phones On Our Society1176 Words   |  5 Pagesage. The entire world is taking a new turn with every fraction of the time. It has given birth to globalization. There is a great deal of new means of communication which have made our life so simple and easy going. The mobile phone is the greatest used present-day phenomenon in this fast-growing time. The mobile phone is a revolutionary step in the field of tele-communication. There were days when the telephones only served the purpose of communication through sound. The mobile phone has completelyRead MoreWhat Role Do Mobile Phones Play in Society? Discuss the Influence of Technology on Everyday Life: Relationships, Social Movements and Education.1003 Words   |  5 PagesThe amount of use of mobile phones in modern society has grown to an enormous scale. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Lawrence’s Use of Time in Sons and Lovers Free Essays

Examine the author’s handling of time. The use of time by the author is an important component of prose, as it provides the framework for the entire novel by manipulating the themes and characters by the use of techniques such a setting and narration. Sons and Lovers is set in the early 1900’s during the second industrial revolution in a small mining town in England. We will write a custom essay sample on Lawrence’s Use of Time in Sons and Lovers or any similar topic only for you Order Now By choosing this time period and place, Lawrence isolates the themes to be addressed, as well as provides context for the relationships, occurrences and behaviour in the novel. The activity of coal mining is an important one in the book as it provides income for the Morels as well as many major problems. This reflects the views of Lawrence who grew up in a similar situation and explains his interest in the theme of industrialisation and its impact on individuals. Lawrence, as a writer of the Romantic Movement great opposed industrialisation as he believed it severed the bond with nature and ruined relationships between persons. These views are evident in his writing as we can see the impact of Morel’s job as a coal miner on his family; this represents the situation in many households during the period. This also explains the emphasised relationships that many main characters have with nature such as Paul, Miriam and Mrs. Morel. This relationship represents their spirituality and their escape from industrialisation, especially so by Mrs. Morel’s refusal to let her children work in the mines as she believes it will dehumanise them, as it did her husband. The use of nature imagery, pathetic fallacy and the accentuated description of nature throughout the novel highlight Lawrence’s own sentiment toward nature. This theme is one characteristic of the era and is only able be addressed because of Lawrence’s choice in setting. The narration and structure are other techniques use to influence time. Sons and Lovers a semi-autobiographical, psychological novel that addresses the relationship between a mother and her son and the psychological consequences of this relationship. Lawrence purposefully arranges his novel in chronological order so as to trace the development of the characters throughout the years. This technique allows a change in protagonist, from Mrs. Morel to her son Paul. This change is necessary to highlight the mother-son relationship and its growth and development throughout the years as well as their relationships with other characters. When we are first introduced to Mrs. Morel, she had been married for eight years. Lawrence uses flashback to briefly explore her relationship with her father as well as illustrate her first meeting and eventual marriage to Morel. Here he establishes the theme of parent-child relationships and their effect on romantic love in the novel and provides necessary information the reader needs to understand Mrs. Morel’s behaviour. The use of a chronological sequence also functions to increase the reader interest as it keeps them curious to the outcome of events and the resolution of conflicts between the characters. Although the book is chronologically sequenced, the events are not evenly spaced. Lawrence carefully chooses events that are of importance to the development of his characters rather than simply narrate their day to day activities. This allows the reader to observe the changes in relationships in a concise manner, such as the deterioration of the Morels’ relationship and the events that led to it. We are able to see how Morel cutting William’s hair and locking Mrs. Morel out affected their relationship and caused her to depend on her children’s affection rather than her husband’s. The transfer of affection from William to Paul after William’s death is also made evident. Paul’s growth and development into adolescence and the increased possessiveness his mother as a result of his relationship of Miriam is also a key occurrence. This manipulation of time serves to keep the audience interested rather than overwhelm them with monotonous details as well as highlights only key events in the life of the Morels so as to ensure readers are made aware of the themes that Lawrence wishes to highlight, especially those dealing love and relationships. Lawrence’s deliberate manipulation of time serves to effectively depict the themes he wished to address, such as industrialisation, family and romantic relationship through the use of setting, sequencing and structure in a timeless way that still continues to engage audiences. How to cite Lawrence’s Use of Time in Sons and Lovers, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Supply Chain Strategies of Ergon Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Supply Chain Strategies of Ergon. Answer: Introduction Electricity is the utmost need of common people and the different other architectural bodies. Numerous state or centre owned companies are engaged in the business of supplying the required electricity. It appears quite simpler in its mentioned objective; however, the operation is complex. The complexity is because of many reasons such as the production of power and energy, local state government policies, the supply chain operations etc. The production of power electricity happens through either renewable or non-renewable resource of energy. Majority of production have its resource in non-renewable form of energy, which is itself associated with sustainability issues. Furthermore, non-renewable resources produce CO2 emission in high numbers, which has already threatened the peacefulness of environment (Francey et al., 2013). Various local and state government rules policies also play a very important role in the electricity supply system. They set the pricing for per unit of elect ricity, which is compulsory for different electricity supplying companies. Despite all the challenges, the supply chain operation in particular is challenging for companies of any industry (Expsito et al., 2016). The chosen organisation for this assignment is the Ergon Energy, which is a subsidiary company of Energy Queensland Limited (EQL). The particular company is responsible for supplying electricity to entire Queensland except the South East part of the state. They are conducting a giant business, which is evident in a fact that they supply electricity to approximately 700,000 customers across the state. Australian Energy Regulator (AER) governs the distribution network that it uses to supply the electricity (Ergon Energy, 2017). The main purpose of this assignment is to analyse in brief that how Ergon Energy supplies electricity to a large numbers of customers across Queensland. This would also find the relevance of resource based theory with the business operation of the chos en company. Moreover, sustainability of the business would also be checked in the light of the chosen model. Overview of the selected business Ergon Energy is a subsidiary company of Energy Queensland Limited (EQL), which is now operating business in two formats such as in distributing the electricity and retailing it to various consumers. Ergon Energy Corporation Limited conducts the distribution of electricity whereas Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd. carries the retailing business. The retailing is done in the pricing standard set by the Queenslands government. They have integrated 150,000 kilometres of power lines and a million of power poles. This is the way they transfer electricity to their customers home. It has also owned 33 standalone power stations across the state to supply electricity to communities those are disconnected from the main electricity grid. Ergon Energy is an innovative company that believe in collaborating with different specialist to introduce various new services. Some of those innovations are popularising use of more solar PV systems, managing both commercial residential energy and enriching th e benefits of EVs. Moreover, they are trying to popularise the presence of Electric Vehicles in Queensland with their innovative thoughts such as providing healthy network coverage to ensure hassle free charging of batteries (Ergon Energy, 2017). Value chain operation Figure 1: Value Chain Operation of Ergon Energy (Source: Lucas, Silva Neto, 2012) Value chain operation is one of the most complex tasks, which very few companies have made this easier with the use of their strategic planning (Gereffi Fernandez-Stark, 2016). Ergon Energy operates its business in two formats such as retail and network. The first part of the value chain is the inbound logistic, which in this regard is the reception and production of electricity. They are providing Solar Power energy to their customers. Like many other companies, they are also responsible for polluting the environment. The resource of producing the solar energy is non-renewable energy resources. It causes the emission of green house gases. It also pollutes the environment with the diesel that they import (Liu et al., 2012). To enhance their business sustainability and to enhance their efficiency in supply chain, Ergon has started building up many solar power stations at different locations. Some of those solar stations are such as Doomadgee, Windorah, Birdsville and Thursday Island. They supply the solar PVs to their customers through retailing. They are also supplying batteries for EVs. The distribution of the product or service happens through two modes such as through retailing and through online portal. Ergon does not only provide solutions to their requirements but they also install the Solar PVs on the customers premise (Abeygunawardana Ledwich, 2013). The human resource department of the company is very efficient as well. It has identified the requirement of innovative things for a sustained business. This is why they welcome partnership working to adopt various new innovative thoughts and produce something new to their end users. The efficient thinking of the companys HRM has encouraged them to adopt the highest standard of technology to produce advanced solar PVs that emits less CO2. Additionally, the dynamic workforce of the company has used the technology to the perfection to provide a friendly environment for EVs. Electric Vehicles itself are a fr iendly aspect for the environment (Yu Halog, 2015). Linkages between business operations and chosen model Figure 2: Resource Based Theory (Source: Barney, 2012) Resource based theory is a very effective theoretical model that helps in identifying the firms capabilities for a sustained business in future. It constructs the identification process in four steps such as available resources, capabilities, competitive advantage and strategy. The resources that are available to Ergon Energy have placed them in the list of few companies, which have connected their relationship well with the customers. They are one of the leading suppliers of Solar PVs in the Queensland state. As far as capabilities are concerned, they have already proved this with their innovative strategies. The resources that they have, can help them add new chapters in their success history. They started with Solar PVs; however, they have now reached to supplying batteries and recharge network coverage to EVs. Electric Vehicles, which are the future of car industry lacked in recharging related issue. The recharge points are usually available in city areas; however, it lacked in i ts presence in the rural areas. The use of technology has encouraged the company for innovative thoughts and they have planned to support the EVs by setting up maximum numbers of recharge points across the Queensland state. They have enhanced their competitiveness by touching the EVs as their future prospect. The last stage of the resource-based theory is the identification of strategy, which the Ergon Energy uses. The existing strategy has enabled them reach to thousands of customers. It has also helped them innovate with new concepts such as setting up recharge stations at numerous locations for EVs. However, they have a challenge to prove their worth in attaining the state of sustainability. The diesel imported to them produces CO2 after combustion. Moreover, CO2 has become a challenging task ahead of the entire business. They need some strategies for filling up the gaps identified in their existing strategies. Sustainability can only be proved if they control the emission of CO2 (Hitt, Xu Carnes, 2016). Sustainability within the selected business model Figure 3: CO2 Emission from Different Energy Resources (Source: Shao et al., 2014) The selected business model is Resource Based Theory, which helped to identify the gaps in the existing strategy of Ergon Energy. However, sustainability is a challenge to Ergon Energy Company. The electricity is still produced in large numbers from coal and gas. It is difficult to imagine the reduction of CO2 in such case. Use of natural resources can only help in reduce the emission of CO2. Natural resources such as water, solar, ocean wave, air wind and biogas are some resources that can produce electricity. Ergon Energy should look for the most feasible ways as shifting to these resources would require huge investment. These are productive resources to reduce the increasing ratio of carbon emission. Recommendations can only prove their worth for the company if the company has also identified the importance of natural resources. Electric Cars, which according to the company is a good prospect for reducing the content of CO2 from air. However, it is itself associated with carbon em ission. The charging socket use coal as a resource to generate the required electricity in it, which itself is highly responsible for the incrementing emission of CO2 (Sen Bhattacharyya, 2014). Strategy has been identified for the company. They must invest high in generating powers from natural resources. Conclusion Ergon Energy is one of few names in the energy industry in Australia, which has continued the use of innovative ideas to produce something new to the community. They have already left a resonant impact of their name by offering the Solar PVs. They further advanced by committing the installation of recharge points for EVs. However, the commitment would require some serious steps taken from the management, which would be in the form of making a huge investment on generating electricity from renewable energy resources. They have proven track in the HRM practice as well as in technological advancement. However, it needs more than this to prove their strategy a worth for the company Reference Abeygunawardana, A. A. K., Ledwich, G. (2013, July). Estimating benefits of energy storage for aggregate storage applications in electricity distribution networks in Queensland. InPower and Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2013 IEEE(pp. 1-5). IEEE. Barney, J. B. (2012). Purchasing, supply chain management and sustained competitive advantage: The relevance of resource?based theory.Journal of supply chain management,48(2), 3-6. Ergon Energy. 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