Thursday, February 27, 2020

Criminal justice case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Criminal justice case study - Essay Example As there is a possibility of conflict between State and Federal law resulting in jeopardy, US attorneys are directed to check with the Attorney General before prosecuting any case that shows the possibility of a double jeopardy. There is a possibility of double jeopardy when the defendant in a trial prefers not to testify his defense and later on asserts that he is not given ample opportunity to defend his side. So, it is for the trial judge to see that the defendant’s refusal to testify his own defense properly comes on the trial record. Otherwise, it later leads to double jeopardy. In cases like the present one where the defendant adopts ‘nolo contendere’ or no contest by not testifying his defense, there is a high possibility of double jeopardy as the different States in the US have different laws relating to the acceptance of nolo contendere. However, the general notion is that it is considered similar to guilty plea, and as it saves time and money, and as it calls for mercy, there is a possible reduction in sentence. At this juncture, as Justice Bhatt (n.d), depending on the circumstances of the case, the court can even immediately impose sentence. It seems that by not taking the stand in his own defense, the defendant has not made any influence on the jury. It seems like the usual way of concluding a case when the defendant does not defend his own stand. In this particular case, the victim identified the defendant in a lineup. In addition, the defendant did not care to take his defense. In normal course, either the defendant can plead ‘not guilty’ or ‘guilty’; in addition, the defendant can also plea ‘nolo contendere’ which means ‘no contest’ (Mueller & Kirkpatrick, 1999, p. 355). This simply means that the defendant is ready to accept any sentence handed down, but does not admit the factual guilt. Thus, in

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Employee Relations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Employee Relations - Research Paper Example It is recommended to consider the employees as valuable assets and make them spend time on telecommuting. A flexible work schedule can also be introduced in the company to increase the morale of the employees (Time Inc, 2013). It was also viewed that the products produced in the company were low in quality because of which it was facing severe problems. Thus, it is considered that the company should establish certain goals related to quality in order to measure the manufacturing process of the organisation and the outcomes of the manufactured product. It is also recommended to focus on the initiative of improving the outcomes of the manufactured product that would help Philips to obtain recognition in its new plant of Manila. Besides, administrators functioning at the new plant should ensure that they provide their expertise of guiding and consulting the workers in their respective departments to make certain that the workers achieve their targets and the quality and the overall perf ormance of the workers are improved. In addition, it is very important to classify the potential opportunities for improving the quality of products by constantly monitoring the work performance and ensuring that the standard and quality of the goods produced meet the expectation of the customers along with providing them optimum satisfaction. It is also very essential for the administrators to design a system that is very efficient as per the work requirements so as to implement initiative for improvement which would directly.